Week 136: August 25-30

Trump ended this year’s G7 Summit saying that he will invite Putin to the summit hosted in American next year. He also plans to host at his Doral resort in Florida.

On Thursday the Trump Administration announced a rule change fro the EPA: “The Environmental Protection Agency, in a proposed rule, will aim to eliminate federal government requirements that the oil and gas industry put in place technology to inspect for and repair methane leaks from wells, pipelines and storage facilities.”

On Sunday morning, Joe Walsh announced his primary campaign against Trump.

Mattis broke his silence this week, doing an interview with the Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic.

The FBI’s IG released a report criticizing Comey’s release of his memos about his encouters with Trump. Wittes gives this criticism of the criticism.

Immigration News

The Washington Post reports that Trump is pushing staff and his DHS to speed construction of border wall, even if they have to break laws and “take the land” to do it: “When aides have suggested that some orders are illegal or unworkable, Trump has suggested he would pardon the officials if they would just go ahead, aides said. He has waved off worries about contracting procedures and the use of eminent domain, saying “take the land,” according to officials who attended the meetings.”

The Boston Globe and then the Miami Herald reported this week that Trump’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement have sent deportation letters to families who are in the country because their children are undergoing life-saving medical treatments. Here is the New York Times report on the situation.

Trump’s Job Approval: 41.3%