Week 150: December 1-7 (Impeachment Week 10)

The House Democrats released their Impeachment Report on Tuesday. Here is the full document.

On Thursday Pelosi announced that the House will begin drafting impeachment articles.

Lawfare speculates on how the Senate trial might unfold based on the rules as written: “The bottom line is that this trial will be all about who can count to 51—and all about how active the chief justice wants to be in determining the default rulings if senators fail to do so. “

There is news this week that the IG report on 2016 election will not support the conspiracy theories that the GOP has been pushing, and the Barr’s hand-picked investigator “could not offer evidence to the Justice Department’s inspector general to support the suspicions of some conservatives that the case was a setup by American intelligence”

A strong jobs report came on Friday.

The Trump Administration finally approved a rule its FDA proposed that will cut food stamps from 700,000 by imposing work requirements on able bodied adults without children: “Under the rules effective April 1, 2020, an area eligible for a waiver would have to have a 24-month average unemployment rate that is not only 20 percent above the national average but also at least 6 percent.”

Trump’s Job Approval: 41.6%