Week 129: July 9-15

Jeffry Epstein was arrested for sex trafficking in his New York City mansion on Saturday. Here is are two articles of Epstein’s connections to Trump.

On Wednesday Labor Secretary Acosta defended himself for his 2008 Epstein deal. There are calls for him to resign.

Here is Ken White on the old Epstein plea deal and what happened this week.

Iran says it has breeched the 2015 nuclear agreement: “the country had surpassed a limit of 3.67 percent uranium enrichment, and was prepared to go further.”

An appeals court struck down the emoluments case against Trump saying Maryland and DC has no standing.

The British ambassador to the US resigned after his assessments of Trump were leaked.

On the census case, DOJ lawyers quit the case and asked to be replaced but the judge denied their request. At a rose garden press conference with Ross and Barr, Trump said he would no longer push for a citizenship question on the Census and that they would get the data by other means.

Immigration News

ICE is preparing to begin arresting immigrant families who are scheduled for deportation. The first wave or arrests are scheduled for Sunday. The DHS chief has opposed the plan on logistical ground, but the head of CBP Mark Morgan as pushed for the raids. One logistical problem: “If undocumented parents are found to have children who are United States citizens, for example, ICE agents will need to wait with the children in a hotel room until a relative in the United States can claim them.”

Pence visited two border detention centers this week, one which had the overcrowded conditions that has been reported on in recent weeks: “he instead described the conditions as the result of the migrant border crisis the administration has been warning about for months but demurred twice when asked if he was okay with the facility’s conditions.”

NBC News reports that numerous immigrant detention centers are forcing kids to sleep on concrete, using abusing language, and even sexually assaulting them.

Trump’s Job Approval: 42.6%