May 72: June 3-9

Sessions admits that the purpose of the child separation policy is to discourage people from coming to the boarder. He also is continuing the talking point that it is normal for all criminal to be separated from their child.

There are more and more stories about children separated from their parents at the boarder. Here is one about Jose, a 5-year old from Honduras placed with foster parents in Michigan. The foster parent angle is useful because they have been taking in migrant kids for years and can contrast how Trump’s separation policy is so much more traumatic than previous cases.

This story puts the lie to the Trump Admin talking point that the fact that the parents are criminals for crossing the boarder justifies separation. The mom was charged and jailed for only 27 days, then released to an immigration center. She was separated from her son another 8 months.

Here is a report about a DREAMer who has been here since he was 3 years old, was just sent back to Mexico. He was killed by gangs within weeks of his return.

A father separated from his daughter then committed suicide in his cell. And here is another report from the boarder by the Washington Post. 

Trump went to the G-7 summit this weekend. Macron said on Thursday they are considering excluding the US from the joint G-7 statement. Still all the members were very diplomatic during the summit and agreed to final language for the communique. 

Trump arrived to the G-7 Summit late and left early. On the flight from Canada to Singapore he tweeted that he would not sign the carefully crafted joint G-7 statement. He also called Trudeau weak and dishonest. He appears to have been upset by a press conference Trudeau gave and reversed his team’s decision to sign. 

In Russia news:

On Monday Mueller’s team released information saying that Manafort attempted to tamper with witnesses to the investigation using encrypted apps and emails. They are requesting a judge send him to jail until trial.

Muller then added a new indictment on Manafort for witness tampering, and also incited a new person, Kilimnik, who is an associate of Manaforts.

Ryan concurred with Gowdy and others that the FBI did not spy on the Trump campaign.

Trump’s Job Approval:  41.60%